My home county, Boone County (Indiana), made Progressive Farmer magazine's list of the Best Places to Live in Rural America, ranked it as number eight. According to the magazine, they came up with this list by first looking at cost of living (the ratio of average household income to average household spending). Then they created a formula to take into account crime rates, air quality, access to health care (the number of medical resources per thousand people), education (student/teacher ratios and college-bound percentages) and leisure activities (restaurants, museums, parks, golf courses, etc.). The editorial board board then looked at the intangibles, such as quality of life and scenery and the staff made visits. This issue of the magazine also includes recipes from restaurants in the top counties including the Brick Street Inn in Boone County. The inn's recipe for Cream of Chicken and Rice Soup is available here. Their profile of Boone County is available here.
I referred to your post in my own today.
Posted by: Jerry | 02/05/2006 at 03:30 AM