I've had several inquiries about the type of bun to use with a breaded pork tenderloin or a ribeye sandwich. Here is my take on the topic. First, I am a whole- wheat guy. At our house we rarely have white bread in the pantry. That being said, you do not want to go that route with your Hoosier Super Bowl foods. Go with the white stuff. Wonder Bread buns would be perfect. Wonder Bread was actually an Indianapolis product (insert your own joke here), so it is a great choice for that reason (if interested, go here for the Indianapolis history of Wonder Bread).
The bread in these sandwiches is really just a meat-delivery device so you don't want it getting in the way - no rye, no seeds, no hearty grains - just soft-as-a-marshmallow white bread to hold together the sandwich and keep the condiments off your fingers.